Giám sát tình hình trang web của bạn qua dịch vụ Google Analytics

Giám sát tình hình trang web của bạn qua dịch vụ Google Analytics Nếu bạn muốn biết những con số thống kê thật chi tiết về lượt khách đã truy cập website của mình như số lượng là bao nhiêu, họ cư ngụ ở nơi nào, họ dừng lại xem trong bao lâu... thì giờ đây, bạn chỉ cần đăng ký dịch vụ này với Google Analytics. Từ những số thống kê đó, bạn sẽ có cơ sở để thực hiện những điều chỉnh thích hợp nhằm thu hút được nhiều người xem hơn. Google Analytics là một dịch vụ giúp bạn theo dõi website của mình một cách đầy đủ. Điều đó rất có ích với các webmaster...

ProBlogger Disclaimer

ProBlogger Disclaimer For some reason a lot of people find this site and think I’m writing it solely for the money, that I’m selling something or trying to sign people up for some sinister and selfish purpose.On one level I understand this - there is a lot of hype and spin out there in the ‘make money online’ field and readers are well advised to be cautious and a little skeptical about what they read. On the other hand however it is hard when you do have genuine motivations to know how to convey them. Regular readers of ProBlogger know that I’m...

Blogging for Beginners

Blogging for Beginners Welcome to my Blogging for Beginners Series. Over the next weeks I will be presenting an introduction to blogging that will help PreBloggers and NewBloggers unpack some of the basics of blogging. The series is based largely upon the questions I regularly receive from newer bloggers. By no means do I want to come across as the all knowing expert in this series - I’m very aware of my own limitations as a blogger and strongly believe that it is only collectively as a group that we really know anything. As a result I’d encourage...

How Much Do I Earn from Blogging?

How Much Do I Earn from Blogging? This is a question that I get asked more than any other. I was brought up not to really talk about money and what you earn so I’m always hesitant to do so - but due to the large interest in the subject I’ve from time to time given some indication (it can be vague) of what kind of money blogging brings me. Keep in mind that I have numerous blogs and these figures are not just for ProBlogger (in fact this blog is one of my smaller earners). I also use a variety of income streams including AdSense, Chitika, Text Link...

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 8 - Miscellaneous Adsense Tips

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 8 - Miscellaneous Adsense Tips This is part 8 (and the last) in a series of posts on increasing AdSense revenue for bloggers. The full series is Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.We have unpacked our Adsense Equation in detail and have given numerous tips for maximising Adsense Revenue. Whilst there are occasions that Adsense doesn’t perform as well on some websites for no particular reason as others we can safely predict that if you work on each of the four areas you should see an increase...

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 7 - Well Placed and Designed Ads

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 7 - Well Placed and Designed Ads This is part 7 in a series of posts on increasing AdSense revenue for bloggers. The full series is Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.Revenue = high readership + high paying ads + relevant ads + well placed and designed adsThe forth element of our Adsense Equation is that of having well designed and optimally placed Adsense Ads. I’ve found that ad positioning is incredibly important. I remember shifting the ads on one of my blogs a while back and being over...

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 6 - Relevant Ads

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 6 - Relevant Ads This is part 6 in a series of posts on increasing AdSense revenue for bloggers. The full series is Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.Revenue = high readership + high paying ads + relevant ads + well placed and designed adsThe third element of our Adsense equation is that of relevant Adsense ads. It is all very well to rank high in search engines to generate high levels of traffic, but without relevant ads that relate to the content of your blog you are not likely to generate...